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Sweet On Trader Joe's Sunday : Sublime Ice Cream Sandwiches Trade war

howdy,meet again, this session will explain abouttrade war Sweet on Trader Joe's Sunday : Sublime Ice Cream Sandwiches see more. can one pass up a dessert labeled as "sublime?" I cannot. Marketers, please don't start labeling everything as sublime, I have college tuition to pay for next year.

trader joe's Sublime Ice Cream Sandwiches review : part of a weekly review series of tj's desserts and treats

Trader Joe's Sublime Ice Cream Sandwiches. Vanilla ice cream sandwiched between two chocolate chip cookies, then rolled in mini chocolate chips. A box of 4 sandwiches costs $4.49.

trader joe's Sublime Ice Cream Sandwiches review : part of a weekly review series of tj's desserts and treats

A mom's (my) take: Honestly, I was sure these would fall short of their "sublime" designation. Most cookie ice cream sandwiches just don't live up to their potential. Well, I was wrong. These ice cream sandwiches ARE sublime. Soft chocolate chip cookies are the perfect crumbling, no breaking apart. The vanilla ice cream is creamy and luscious. The mini chocolate chips add a little extra chocolate flavor and a bit of crunch. These are going straight on my "might-be-too-tempting-to-keep-in-the-house list."

Overall rating: 5 of 5 stars

A teenager's (Jack's) take: In the past, sandwiches like these seem to be eclipsed by the raw cold that comes from their being frozen--not with this one. Right out of the freezer, these have a powerful taste. A good ol' chocolate chip cookie taste is complemented perfectly by the cool, refreshing vanilla ice cream. Perfect. Now, the only problem is the size of your stomach...

Overall rating: 5 out of 5 stars

trader joe's Sublime Ice Cream Sandwiches review : part of a weekly review series of tj's desserts and treats

Trader Joe's Sublime Ice Cream Sandwiches:

trader joe's Sublime Ice Cream Sandwiches review : part of a weekly review series of tj's desserts and treats

[note: We have no affiliation with Trader Joe's. I'm sure they have never read this blog and have no idea who we are. Hey, we like being incognito, although we never wear sunglasses indoors. ;)]

Read all of our Trader Joe's sweet treats and dessert reviews

okay explanation aboutSweet on Trader Joe's Sunday : Sublime Ice Cream Sandwiches I hope this article add insight thank you

This article is posted on tag , the date 10-10-2019, quoted from GOOGLE Searcing


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